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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cheerful Giving...the Christmas Drive!

My husband and I have started up a Christmas Drive this year for local children who may not receive gifts otherwise. We went through local organizations who knew the financial situation for the families of eighty kids and that way we would get eighty kids who were really in need. Although we like to think there is nobody who would, we know there are some who would take advantage of something like this so we felt it especially necessary that we get the information for only those in need. After collecting the information needed, we then had our community (friends, churches, etc.) to help out in reaching this goal in getting the gifts for these children.

I am happy to say thanks to God (first and foremost) and then everyone who helped us in reaching this goal. Because of this drive, we are helping eighty children to wake up VERY happy on Christmas morning!

Needless to say I took photos of a couple of the which my Mom has sewn eighty stockings for all of the kids, and I wrote each of their names on their stocking, and then it is just amazing how everyone has stepped up to help.

A few of the photos...

The gifts...
December 2009 December 2009 December 2009

The stockings (each even had a pocket sized Bible inside)...

December 2009 December 2009

One of the MANY stuffed animals of the over 3 trash bags full of stuffed animals that was given for the drive...


Can everyone say Praise God?!?


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