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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The 100th Day of School!

100thdaysitepicThe kids' school has a 100th Day of School celebration (usually mostly for the younger grades) whenever they reach the 100th day.  Well Troy's second grade class decided that they were going to have a 100th day party and it also was optional for them to dress up like they were 100.

To start with my conversation with Troy went something like this:

Me: Troy, are you going to dress up for the 100th day?

Troy: No, I am seven years old, not 100!

Me: Okay, good point!

So...last night I ask him again...are you going to dress up and he tells me no.  This morning I ask him again...are you going to dress up and he tells me no.  So he got ready in his regular clothes with Breann telling him all the time that he should dress up while he has the chance in the younger grades (because her class wasn't doing it this year).  Troy still decided up to the point when we were leaving the house to go to school that he was not dressing up.

We get in the vehicle and he is talking about it and asking if I thought one of his friends was going to dress up...I told him I had talked to his friend's mom the night before and she said he was going to dress up.  So...I could tell on the way to school (as its only like three, no more than five minutes down the road) that Troy was acting REALLY bummed.

Me: Bub, do you want to dress up?

Troy: No, I don't know how I would dress up.

Me: Well, I am sure we can figure out something.

Troy (at this point his little lip is puckering): No, you don't have to take me back...its okay.  I just don't want to be the only one not to dress up.

Me: Bub, I don't mind to take you back. 

Then I proceed to tell Breann to get out of the car and go on inside of the school while I take Troy back to get him dressed up. 

I had everything covered at this point...we knew about this weeks in advance, but Troy decides at the point of me dropping him off at school he wants to dress up...but...everything is covered once we got back.  We got him a white shirt, a flannel shirt to go over that, green dress pants, and I drew him a mustache and a small beard (my drawing abilities aren't the greatest in the world...not on people at least LOL...but hey it would have to do and it would serve the purpose).

I then proceeded to take the clothes that he originally planned to wear (before he decided to dress up) and placed them in his backpack. 

Me: Here, Bub, I'll put these in your backpack...just in case you decide to change...this way you will have either outfit you want.  And...that stuff on your face is washable too.

Troy: Okay!

Then I took a photo and he bent over (without me telling him to) like an old man for me to take the photo.

Me: Okay, lets go!

I then got him back to school (with a limited but enough time) for breakfast.

His teacher was on bus duty and we stopped by to say hello, and I think he was extra happy when she made a comment on him looking like an old man.

Ahhh...they grow up SO fast!!  :0)

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  1. Aw, so adorable! Hilarious that he stuck to his "no" until the very last minute! But clearly you were ready for him!

  2. Blog hopping today. New follower here would love a follow back at


  3. Hi! Following from the Totally Tuesday Blog Hop! I'd love it if you'd follow me back too! :)

    Lots of reviews and giveaways, and a hand made event coming up! Please check it out! :)

    ~The Reynolds Mom~

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love meeting new people through hops! I'm now following you :)

  5. Hi stopping by from Tuesday's hops. Would love a follow back if you get time. Have a wonderful day!

  6. Too funny! He's really a cutie!
    I'm following from the blog hop.
    I'd love a follow back at

  7. What a cute story...Just like our lives--real. I loved it! You son is as cute as a button;-) Take care and sending many blessings your way. Be blessed!

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!! I'm following you back, and yes, they do grow up SO fast!!

  9. Thank you for stopping by Writing with Debra and Granny Annie. Also I blog Establishing Christian Parenting. Thanks for the follow. Returning the favor.

  10. Jessica thanks for visiting me today on your hop. Your Troy is too adorable! Can't wait to follow your other blog Too!

  11. Sooo darling! Awesome blog ;)

  12. Hi! Thanks for stopping by Jewelry4Change. I'm following you too. :)
    I used to teach kindergarten... the 100th day was such a special day for the kids. Love your story! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Too cute. My youngest are sophomores in high school, so it's been a while since we've done the 100th day thing!

    I'm following you back on your Lil Corner blog and will check out the So Stylized one. I could use a few pointers! It's nice to meet another sister in Christ

  14. Jessica, thank you so much for stopping by my blog during your hop. I hope you enjoy it and continue to follow. I am following both your blogs now. By the way, your son is amazingly cute even when he pretends to look like a 100 years old man...LOL! Really adorable.
