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Monday, May 9, 2011

Our Little Corner 2010

Like my other e-books, I am very excited about this one as well.  This one has many things in it from Breann's softball games to Troy's hunting and fishing trips and even the kids attending Vacation Bible School is included in this e-book.  There are over 170 pages in this e-book and its filled with a lot of our memories!!

Here is the table of contents (which has been made clickable for larger viewing) so you can see the many different things listed in this e-book.
tableofcontents1 tableofcontents2 are a few snippets from the e-book itself.

insidepage20101three insidepage20101two

If you are a family member or friend and want to request your copy, please contact me and let me know by filling out the form and be sure to specify which e-book you are requesting.  This one is called Our Little Corner 2010.  Please keep in mind that I do reserve the right to decline requests.


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