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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Vacation, Doodles, and Dums...

While I am sitting here trying to figure out what to do with myself since the kids are spending the week with their Mamaw and Papaw and their Nanny (and seem to be having a blast as Breann is going to Vacation Bible School and Troy is getting to play with his cousin Cameron)...I figured this would be a good time to jot down a bit of info. about our vacation that we just recently took.

About a little over a week ago we chose to go to Illinois for our vacation during the 4th of July weekend. It was really a spur of the moment decision! We ended up spending the weekend with my husand's sisters Krista (and her husband Andy) and Denise (and her daughter Courtney), my mother-in-law, my husband's aunts and uncles (Bev, Linny (spelling? :}), Sandy, Cliff, and Tina), my husband's cousins (Tim and his wife Suzanne, Ashley, Amber, Lillian, Jessica, and Justine...isn't that cool he has two cousins named Jessica and Justine btw).

The weekend consisted of swimming, cook-outs, shopping, etc., etc.

It was nice to see some of my husband's family again and it was nice for the kids to be able to spend time with everybody! Troy even got to meet the man he was named after's wife and him and Justin was given a fishing pole that was his.

Anywho...a pic. or 2 or 4...


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