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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My September 2009 Updates

Let's see...I'm trying to think where to begin. September has been an EXTREMELY busy month.

My husband and I have started a Christmas drive with our Church and our community to help in benefiting the underprivileged children in the area who may not receive any gifts otherwise. We are now in the process of handmaking the stockings (thanks Mom!) and that is a huge task in itself as there are eighty stockings to have made up and ready to go by the 11th of December. This is our first year of doing something like this and I am sure it is going to be well worth think of all of the kids who will now have gifts to open on Christmas morning who may not have had any gifts otherwise is truly amazing and God is blessing us TREMENDOUSLY with this project. It is my prayer that He continues to bless us with this project and we can really make a difference in these kids' lives.

Troy lost his first tooth!


We've gotten invites to a few different events for October. One is a Halloween party that one of our friends is hosting on the 24th and Hallelujah Night at another friend's Church for another night.

Justin got a promotion at work. It is a lot of work for him to get everything organized the way he needs for it to be but this is a huge change and one that he thinks of as positive so we are happy and thankful he got the promotion.

I think that about brings us up to date thusfar.

October is going to be just as (if not even more) busy as September...we have those events I just mentioned, plus Breann's birthday celebration, the kids' Fall Festival, and who knows what else. Keeping busy is a blessing though, as long as we are busy together as a family!

1 comment:

  1. You left a message on my blog awhile back, so I thought I'd come check out your blog. I enjoy meeting new people through blogging, and seeing others' thoughts. The Christmas drive sounds like an awesome idea. I have done similar things with my church, and it always ends up being wondeful.
