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Friday, June 18, 2010

And They Scream for Ice Cream!!

This past Wednesday my husband and I decided to take our kiddos out for a treat.  Troy got himself a milkshake and Breann got herself a sundae (and their dad got himself a sundae too LOL). 



Isn't the simplest things in life just so sweet?!?


  1. I bet the kids had so much fun! I am your newest follower from Friday Follow!

  2. Hi Jessica!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm following you back and heading to your other site to follow you there too! :)


  3. How cute!

    You'll have to visit my blog and read about me taking my dogs for ice cream this week. ;)

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now a follower of yours! I love your music on your blog!

  5. Thanks for stopping at Cranberry Morning! Hope to see you again soon! And yes, summertime sweet treats are wonderful! :-)

  6. Ice cream is one of the finer simple things in life. I have never seen anything that could put a smile on a child's face faster. Thanks for stopping by my blog as part of Follow Friday and consider yourself followed :).

  7. I am your new follower. You have a lovely blog. come and visit me at

  8. Hi JEssica! Thanks for the follow! glad to meet new people in this big blogosphere! Your kids are so adorable... Im following you back now... U

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. I'm following you back now!

    If you read my blog for any length of time you'll read a bit about ice cream. I am a total ice cream maniac! So I am feeling the ice cream love right now!

    xo Erin

  10. Thanks for stopping at my blog, hope you come back again soon!

    Cute photos! Ice cream is the perfect summer treat. :)

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm following you back now and looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  12. Thank you for stopping by and following The Kiddie Fashionista. I'm following right back :-)

  13. I am following you back, I am having a ice cream themed giveaway over on Tall Tales from a Small Town, you should enter if you have not already!
