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Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

It seems just like it was yesterday that Christmas 2009 was upon us...WOW...where does time go?!?

This year we had a great time spending time with family during the Christmas holiday.  My husband's mom came over on Christmas Eve and I made finger foods for everyone and we exchanged gifts.  We also had Christmas at my parents on Christmas morning and then Christmas evening was spent at our home.  The kids opened gifts and afterward my husband's dad and his spouse and my husband's sister Gina and her family came over for dinner and we exchanged gifts with them. 

We are still planning on getting together with my husband's sister from Illinois and her daughter and also my husband's brother and his family later in the week. are a few photos of the kids opening their gifts...they each got quite a few gifts (Troy got things like a remote control car, trucks, the Real Construction woodworking kit, etc. and Breann got things like Beauty and the Beast dolls, blankets, a lava lamp, jewelry, etc.)  They each got really nice gifts and our whole family had a nice Christmas!!



More photos are in the Members Area!


  1. Hey Jessica
    Stopping over from Bloggy Mom to say hello. You have quite the following. I'm just starting out. Im a SAHM of 3 strong willed kids, 11, 4, and 2. I just finished my 1st book which will be released in April, I Call Him By Name: Love Notes for Moms. Looking forward to your comments.

  2. Oh I love your dog!
    Sounds like you all had a pretty great Christmas!
