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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My E-books!

I am SO super, SUPER excited!!  I have been wanting to make my blog posts into book form for I decided to make an e-book.  While it is a work in progress for the previous years I do have A LOT accomplished!!  I am happy to say two of those e-books are now complete! 

I present to you Our Little Corner 2006-2008 and Our Little Corner 2009.  These e-books have all of my blog posts in e-book form!!  I don't have them available on the website at the time of this posting (as they are super-de-duper HUGE files) but if you are a friend or family member you can make a request for one as described over in the sidebar!!
ebookbookcover2006thru2  ebookbookcover2009

YAY!!  I am SUPER excited!!


  1. Hello. Thank-you for visiting and following my blog @ I appreciate your friendship! I wish you Happy Holidays. I am also on Facebook @ shanna mommiesandbeyond and on twitter @ craftsexaminer(crafts examiner). Thanks!

  2. Stopping by from Bloggy Moms - Following you now on Google Friend - Please visit me @

    Take care,

  3. Hi Jessica! Awesome idea . . . my boyfriend wants to do that with his blogs too.

    Thank you for visiting and following my blog . . . I am following you back as well :)

    Have a wonderful day . . . Gina
