I have been blessed to be able to work at home (in the Customer Service industry) and by being able to work at home I am able to be mommy before being working mommy, and I truly realize what a blessing that is!! Anyhow, I thought I would include here one of my "work day surprises" that I received during this past week.
My daughter, Breann, made me this paper flower (the flower petals are paper but the stem is grass), and gave it to me during my work hours, I just love working at home and it enables me to be mommy before being working mommy, I am so blessed! I realize that not every job will allow a person to stay at home with their kids, but I have really tried to do so with this as well as a lot of my jobs in the past (where I was even able to take them to work with me), and I am so blessed that I am with a company where I can work at home and be a stay at home/work at home mom while I provide my kids the care that they need. And...getting little "work day suprises" like this, makes the evenings that I work even better!

I love my kids!!
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